Scribe living billboard in Mexico city
Scribe created living quarters behind the billboard and installed an artist in residence who set about decorating the large blank billboard with illustrations requested by the public. People sent in requests via Twitter and the action was broadcast on social networks, webisodes and live streams from a bespoke micro site.
Evian Backyard helps Sydney-siders to Live Young
People were encourages to swing on an oversized washing line in Australia to launch Evian's Live Young Backyard
The living piano in Toronto
In a bid to encourage people to ‘discover opera’, the Festival d’Opera de Quebec a group of opera singers were linked up to a 12-key, giant keyboard that people could play with their feet
Blinkbox stuns shoppers with a teleporter
Volunteers were invited into a teleportantion device and were then beamed to a different location to announce Star Trek into Darkness being luanched on Blinkbox a year before other streaming services
Ray-Ban transforms journeys with tinted windows
Ray-Ban invited Belgium travellers to “test drive” its new range of polarised colour lenses by transforming the windows of trams across the cities of Ghent, Antwerp and Brussels with colour filters.
Fancy a ‘glow in the dark’ Cornetto?
Cornetto offered out glow in the dark ice creams at a screening of The World's End
Danio’s ‘walk on yogurt’ stunt gets people talking
Danio get people to walk on yogurt - featured a huge yogurt pot, with a diameter of 1.8 metres held 656 litres of Oobleck, a mixture of corn starch and water that looks like a liquid but behaves like a solid when pressure is applied, allowing visitors to walk across it.
BEcause Brings Live Young message to life for Evian
Later this month, BEcause Australia will launch an experiential campaign for leading water brand, Evian, recreating childhood memories on Bondi Beach.
Milka short-changes shoppers in a fun brand experience
Milka bar eaters were able to send their missing piece of chocolate to a friend