Audi Quattro Scalextric experience
A Scalextric track complete with trees, miniature figues and an Audi garage arrive in the business district of Toronto to enable them to connect with young businessmen
Mind-reading stunt to warn consumers
Febelfin, the Belgian Financial Sector Federation, created this unnerving campaign to get people thinking about how exposed their personal details are online which involved random people being told personal facts by a mind reader
Lux magic shower
n a recent sampling campaign for Lux "Magic Spell" shower gel, which targeted spas and gyms, ladies shower rooms were decorated with stickers that reacted to water.
Hyundai – Real life pixels
Hyundai caused quite a stir when it revealed an animatronic wall, dubbed the Hyper-Matrix, at the 2012 Yeosu Expo.
Topshop partners with Facebook for cocial catwalk
As part of London Fashion Week, Topshop unveiled an "advanced, immersive and engaging social experience". But rather than just a video stream; the site allowed consumers to access the clothes and accessories on the model, change the colours and share the look on Facebook and Twitter.
“Bag a bloke”
A selection of men have been boxed up and positioned in stores across the country. The shopping reference runs through the entire set up of the highly popular dating site - where users can put potential matches into a "shopping basket" and the company promises "fast delivery"
Noah Seal Killer – interactive billboard
Animal protection foundation Noah created a fun, interactive billboard in order to collect small change and get people thinking in Germany. Magnets were attached to the back of the billboard and passers-by encouraged to throw their loose change at the image of a man about to club the seal
Huggies GoPro – Child superstar
Huggies enlisted Bahalool for a unique online campaign that encouraged parents to submit a video of their children's antics. Bahalool then provided a running commentary in his well-known style and the video was sent back to parents.
Sorry Harry – Lynx
This brilliantly quick-witted one-off tactical ad from Lynx received lots of online and offline attention last week when it was published in national newspapers.