Noah Seal Killer – interactive billboard


Around 900,000 seals are killed every year for meat and fur – but how do you get people hundreds of miles away to take notice?


Animal protection foundation Noah created a fun, interactive billboard in order to collect small change and get people thinking in Germany. Magnets were attached to the back of the billboard and passers-by encouraged to throw their loose change at the image of a man about to club the seal. The change stuck and slowly covered up the man – “killing” the seal killer. It clearly proved to be quite popular and has raised the profile of Noah, not only on the street, but also online as this video is shared.Seal-Killer


Author bio


With nearly 30 years of marketing experience, both client and agency side, I’ve acquired a rare perspective on brands and business: I believe you have to challenge things creatively if you want to grow sales. Consumer technology is reshaping our world, and it’s only the great brands that stay on the crest.