First hand from Royal Roads


Here is an eye-catching stunt from Royal Roads University in British Columbia, which allowed people to talk to a real alumnus in a fun experiential stunt.

The university placed a billboard in a shopping centre with an option for people to press on a glowing ‘connect’ button. Instead of more on-screen information, those who pressed the button were treated to a brief chat with an alumnus who poked her head out from behind the advert.

It’s a nice idea and this video has been picked up by several websites, pushing the message further. But does the extra layer of complexity put up a barrier, stopping some people approaching?  Maybe a small team of alumni ambassadors would have been able to make more face to face connections with locals if they had created a welcoming stand?


Royal Roads is no stranger to experiential, the university celebrated its rebranding in 2012 by creating a wall of pens. People could remove most of the pens one by one, leaving a clear message behind on the wall.

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With nearly 30 years of marketing experience, both client and agency side, I’ve acquired a rare perspective on brands and business: I believe you have to challenge things creatively if you want to grow sales. Consumer technology is reshaping our world, and it’s only the great brands that stay on the crest.