


Does digital transformation mean losing the human touch?

5 ways to ensure going the way of the robot doesn’t actually make your brand sound robotic.


Payment in plastic: Hyundai’s Eco-Parking tackles ocean pollution

Hyundai’s thought-provoking brand experience in Spain urges beachgoers to exchange plastic waste for parking spaces.


Zombies unleashed on New York for the return of The Walking Dead

AMC delivers terrifying brand experience to raise awareness for season 9 of The Walking Dead with a four-day zombie takeover of New York’s most famous landmarks.


Burger King tackles null vote with Blank Whopper stunt

Burger King gives passers-by a taste of someone else’s choices with an inspired brand experience in Sao Paulo to get them thinking about their decision to cast a blank vote.


OMO turns reading into a fun outdoor activity with the Book of Dirt

The Unilever-owned brand encourages outdoor play and time away from technology with a dirt-activated story book for schools in South Africa.


Football euphoria celebrated with interactive Adidas billboard

Adidas India capitalises on the global love for the game with a highly-engaging OOH activation that encourages and rewards team spirit.


Smile Asia serves up a life-changing dining experience

Smile Asia opens the eyes of unsuspecting diners with an imaginative and effective experiential campaign to raise awareness of cleft conditions.